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miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010

Causes and consecuences.

Especially on teen drivers are many accidents because they have no conscience about accidents. The missing of conscience causes accidents (car collisions). The causes of accidents are:
*Mechanic fails in the car.
*Problems in the conductor’s mind.
*Bad conditions, bad time.
*Excess of velocity.
*Consume of alcohol and drugs.
*The presence of distractions like: cell phones, smoking, etc.
*And many others.
The consequences are:
The death.
Injure the environment.
Spend money and time.
• And many others.

In Monterrey , the third cause of dead is the traffic collisionand the first cause of traffic collision is the alcohol.

More of the persons have traffic collisions in the morning, when the children go to the school and the persons go to the job, so for the time, they go to a speed that do that the person have a car collision , and in the night, when they go to home, the alcholized persons , have a car collision.

the persons should follow the rules of driving to prevent car accidents , injuries and even death.
Some tips are respecting the signs in the street
not driving if u drinked alcohol
not getting distracted with things like cellphones , ipods, makeup...

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